Our Story


The path came to us- we weren’t even looking for it. Slowly, it put itself together, brick by brick, starting where we would eventually end up. Along the way, there were talks and classes and propagation experiments. There were books and podcasts and field visits and prairie walks. We didn’t know what we were building until the vision was so clear we couldn’t deny it.

We were going to start an organic, no-till, regenerative farm and provide our community with the most nourishing food we could on less than half an acre.

It’s going to be a massive undertaking. For starters, the land that’s currently available to grow on will need to lose its current tenant- the lawn. We are starting to plan the beds but aren’t sure how they should be oriented to maximize water retention and sunlight. The well needs to be tested (and tested, and tested, and tested) and the soil analyzed/amended as necessary. The current garden needs to be dismantled and the fence taken down. A new fence needs to go up around the entire growing space. The wash/pack station and walk-in cooler need to be mapped out and built. The compost bays need to be built. I’m half convinced someone adds projects to the list anytime we’ve got our backs turned.

All to say, welcome to our farm-to-be! We’re a work very much in progress but happy you’re here and hope you enjoy watching us grow. And if we get it together by fall, 2024, we hope you find us at the Mount Horeb Farmers Market! We’ll be the folks under the Tiny Peas banner looking nervous but oh-so-excited.

Your future farmers,

Rebecca and Chris

Our first garden plot, May, 2021